April 7, 2010–Neurological Relief Center Grand Opening

March 25, 2010

Dr. Reddick here….

Do you suffer from unexplained pain, insomnia, fatigue, depression, irritable bowel syndrome, forgetfulness, etc?

We may have a solution!!

Complete Wellness Center of Orange City has been chosen to be THE new Neurological Relief Center for central Florida.

Neurological Relief Center Technique™ releases the tension in the meninges around the nerves.  The meninges are membranes that surround and protect the brain and the spinal cord and are attached to the nerves as they exit the spine.  When you have physical (accident) or emotional (stress) trauma, the meninges, which are not flexible, can pull and irritate the nerves causing many symptoms because the nerves control every function in your body.

The vast majority of health problems other than infectious diseases could be stress and neurological in nature.  We advise everyone to be tested to see if Neurologic Relief Centers Technique (NRCT) could help.

NRCT is non-invasive and is usually painless.  We will perform a test to see how you respond to help determine if you are a candidate for NRCT.  Many people respond to the test with a percentage of their symptoms relieved for minutes or days.

Results have been seen in patients with headaches, migraines, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, digestive disturbances, sleeping difficulties, high blood pressure, brain fog, facial pain (trigeminal neuralgia), arthritis, nervousness dizziness, lymes disease, multiple sclerosis, breathing difficulties, wake up exhausted, numbness/tingling of arms or legs, communication problems, severe low back or hip pain, emotional difficulties.

We are proud and excited to be a part of the Neurological Relief Center family.  On Wednesday, April 7, 2010 at 7 PM we will be offering a FREE workshop to discover a new way to treat YOUR pain successfully.  Join us for a FREE, NO OBLIGATION relief test.  Our relief technique usually alleviates a percentage of your symptoms at the time of testing.  Your resulting comfort lasts anywhere from minutes to days.  There will be limited seating.  Give us a call at 386-775-6897  to reserve your spot.

We’ll see you on April 7.

Until next time….here’s to your complete wellness.